When Nadi came to DUO for a JOB, he was really at a loss as to what he wanted to do for a career: theatre, music or manual work? Patient, caring and with an interest in the arts, Nicolas was the ideal mentor; he was able to guide Nadi and help him make choices. After many discussions, Nadi landed an audition at La Manufacture de l’acteur theatre school. The good news is that he passed his audition and loves his lessons! At the same time, he is an usher at the Théâtre de la Ville. Nicolas helped him make his dream come true, and Nadi is over the moon about his new projects. It’s a perfect match, a real friendship has developed between them, and they keep in touch even after DUO. “I could never have done it on my own, we didn’t put any pressure on each other and that’s another reason why it worked. The things that Nicolas told me, nobody had told me before and I needed that to move forward.”
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