đź“Ż In the Spotlight
Young retirees help refugees to find jobs
“DUO for a JOB” is a Belgian organisation that brings together young refugees or people from immigrant backgrounds with experienced professionals who are minimum 50 years old. The aim? To help them finding a job, assist them with their administrative formalities and, of course, give pride of place to cultural exchanges. 3. Goal: VendĂ©e Globe 2024 ⛵️
Objectif : Vendée Globe 2024 ⛵️
Le navigateur Benjamin FerrĂ© offre Ă l’association une visibilitĂ© incroyable avec son bateau Monnoyeur-DUO for a JOB. ll portera les couleurs de l’association dans ses voiles jusqu’au VendĂ©e Globe 2024. Avec son mentor Jean Le Cam, il croit Ă 100% Ă l’Ă©change intergĂ©nĂ©rationnel : dans la vie comme en mer il vaut mieux ĂŞtre deux et bien accompagnĂ©…
A choice partnership for our development in Seine-Saint-Denis
Thanks to the support of J.P. Morgan, a bank historically committed to inclusion and employment, we will consolidate our presence in Seine-Saint-Denis with our intergenerational mentoring program for young job seekers from immigrant backgrounds. This varied department, characterized by its youth and diversity, is a territory where DUO for a JOB has every reason to exist! We are proud and eager to see the results and lasting impact of our collaboration.